Dear colleagues, We invite you to participate in the XII International Hybrid (online and physical participation) Symposium “Traditional Sports Games of Turkic nations” of the Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”, which will be held on October 11, 2023 at the Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”(Bishkek), with the active support of the World Confederation of Ethnosports, the Federation of Traditional sports, the Municipality of Kahramanmaras and the Municipality of Gaziantep. The aim of the symposium is to review and discuss the development of history, technical and tactical training of athletes, theory and practice of folk games and national sports. The symposium will contribute to the unification of researchers engaged in this subject, exchange of information, analysis and evaluation of new approaches, methods and development of traditional sports games of Turkish nations. Scientific articles and reports will be published in the form of a collection of materials of the symposium and presented to the scientific community.
The main topics of the symposium are:
- History and period of practical development of traditional games and sports.
- The important role and significance of traditional games and sports in human development.
- Technique, tactics, rules of competitions and peculiarities of traditional sports.
- Revival of national sports games in the Turkish world and related societies
- Etymology of traditional games and sports in the world – terminology, rituals, evolution/transformation, national qualities, semantic emptiness, cultural aspects and functions, reflection of traditional sports games in written sources, folklore and literature of the people of Eurasia.
Conditions of participation in the symposium:
- The symposium can be attended online.
- The symposium is open to academicians and researchers related to the topic.
- There is no fee for the symposium.
- During the symposium, the costs related to food and accommodation of the participants are covered by our university.
Symposium languages: Turkish, Kyrgyz, other Turkish dialects, Russian and English.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submissions of sull paper September 24, 2023.
Announcement of accepted articles on October 02, 2023.
Announcement of the Symposium program 04 October 2023.
Symposium date October 11, 2023.
Rules for writing articles:
- There should be an abstract in English or Russian at the beginning of the full text, next to the language in which the article will be presented, and the abstract should be at least 150 words long.
- The title, author’s first and last name, abstract and keywords should be written in order.
- In a study, the tittle should be written in capital letters and centered, and the author’s first and last name should be placed immediately below it. The unnumbered footnote at the bottom of the page should contain the academic tittle, institution and e-mail address respectively.
- Full papers should be no less than 4 and no more than 10 pages.
- After the title and author’s name should be placed in Turkish and English. The title should also be indicated in the abstract in English.
- The letter should be Cambria and the font size should be 11.
- The paper should be written in Word program and should be designed according to page size 16.5 x 24.
- The text should be on a 16.5 x 24 page, with 1.8 cm margins right-left and top-bottom, and should be aligned on both sides.
- Paragraph indent: 0.75 cm, single line spacing.
- References should be cited in the text (Meriç, 2014: 33); If further explanations are necessary, they can be given in the form of footnotes.
- The sources used should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order (Author's NAME, Name, Title of the book if "article" is in quotes, Place and date of publication).
- Tables, graphs, and figures should be numbered separately, and the source or explanation should be cited 10 points just below.
Presentation: The duration of the presentation at the symposium should not exceed 10 minutes.
Address: Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Research Institute of Traditional Games and Sports
Chingiz Aitmatov Campus, 720044, Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan
Tel: +996 312 49 27 63-65
Tel: +996 552 00 41 79 (WhatsApp)