Scientists from seven countries, including leading researchers from the “Altaytanu” Research Center, have written a book about the history of the ancient Turks.
It should be noted that the scientific monograph “The Turkic world in the IV-XII centuries” is being prepared for publication at the Altay State University. In its preparation 34 scientists from 25 universities and institutes of seven states took part: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany.
As notes one of the editors of the publication, the head of the Research and Education Centre of Altay and Turkic Studies “Big Altai”, Professor of Altay State University Sergei Zemlyukov, the history of the origin and development of medieval Turkic tribal associations, the political history of Turkic kaganats reflected in the international scientific research. The relationship of the Turks with the nearest ethnic environment is described. The reconstruction of these processes is carried out on the basis of archaeological and ethnographic data, Turkic runics, Arab-Persian and Chinese written monuments.
An expert opinion on this chronicle was presented.
- This is one of the largest attempts to systematize materials on the history of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, - says Zhanna Aubakirova, Director of the Altaytanu Research Centre at Amanzholov University. - The unifying chronicles of the Turkic people are needed to show the common historical and cultural roots of the modern and ancient people who inhabited the territory of the vast subregion.
The first volume of the Chronicles is almost complete, scheduled for publication in early 2023.
More information can be found here