05.10.2021 In East Kazakhstan, the student club "SANALY URPAQ" has joined the ranks of anti-corruption participants The head of the Anti-Corruption Service for the East Kazakhstan region awarded students and teachers of Amanzholov University for their active citizenship in the fight against corruption with badges, letters of thanks and diplomas. The student club "SANALY URPAQ" has joined the ranks of anti-corruption participants. It is worth noting that this voluntary-patriotic club is aimed at preventing corrupt behavior among students, as well as teachers and university staff. According to the rector of S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University Mukhtar Tolegen, the conceptual basis of this project is the ideology of integrity based on the legacy of the Great Abai. So, since last year, the project office of "SANALY URPAQ", together with the Research Institute "Abaytanu", began developing a series of video lectures on the topic "Adaldykty mura etken Uly Abay". Based on these video lectures, in accordance with the Plan of the SANALY URPAQ project office, integrity hours are held in all academic groups. – In our university, anti-corruption work is carried out on a comprehensive basis. Our students try to take an active part not only in the SANALY URPAQ club, but also in the PARASAT Student Service Center, OPEN UNIVERSITY, thanks to which the guys help each other in various issues. I would like to note that we have also launched the campaign "TAZA kol - taza session", the purpose of which from the first days of study is to instill academic honesty in children without the intervention of certain persons and things. Corruption is evil and we must fight it together! - said the rector of the S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University Mukhtar Tolegen. Mukhtar Tolegen also noted that if there is information or facts about corruption, then in this case students can inform through the "Trust Box" or through the rector's social pages. It should be noted that today distinguished students and teachers who played a significant role in the fight against corruption were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks by the head of the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in the East Kazakhstan region Yerlan Zhalmagambet. In addition, 18 first and second year students were initiated into the ranks of the student club "SANALY URPAQ". The management of the Antikor service of the East Kazakhstan Region presented badges that were made especially for children by the anti-corruption service. – One of the key priorities of the state's social policy is the development and improvement of the quality of science and education. I urge new young participants to contribute to the formation of culture, decency and observance of economic honesty within the walls of your university–" said Yerlan Zhalmagambetov, Head of the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in the East Kazakhstan region. The management of the regional Antikor service also got acquainted with the work of "Open Space". Here, according to the established requirements, vice-rectors and deans are on duty. The main task is to help students with any questions. For example, if a student needs to talk to the dean, who is in another building, then he will be connected through the "Virtual University". In conclusion, the head of the Anti-Corruption Service got acquainted with the Dana bala center, the first among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan – a place of inclusive education, where it is planned to open a psychological counseling laboratory, a speech therapy center, a psychophysiological laboratory and much more for children. It is worth noting that the TOMATIS device was shown at the speech therapy center, which is put on the ears and the child hears special music with certain waves that affect brain activity. And in the psychophysiological laboratory, for example, they showed the equipment "Electroencephalograph", which allows you to measure the rhythms of the brain. And they also presented a biofeedback device, thanks to which the stability of rhythms is formed in the brain, or in simple terms, a game where you can lead a character among rivals to the finish line with your eyes. Press Service of S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image View the full image