02.10.2021 The EKU Scientific Library invites you to register on the websites of scientometric resources The sooner a young scientist starts planning his career, including in the field of publications in reputable scientific journals, the more opportunities he will open for himself. We offer a short guide to scientometric databases. For any scientist, it is important that his work is seen by the whole world and other people can get acquainted with the research he has conducted. In the age of modern technology, there are many ways to share your scientific research with colleagues and those who are interested in science. The publication of a scientist's scientific work is a great success for the author. The presence of a scientific publication is very authoritative in our time both for a scientist and for the university where he works. Today, to popularize science and scientific activity, as well as to protect the author from plagiarism, there is a proven way to publish your work - publishing your work in a journal that is included in the scientometric database! Scientometric database is an abstract database that is used as a tool for storing in the history and checking the citation index of scientific papers. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a small list of existing scientometric databases and consider their main advantages. Scopus – this name is probably familiar to every scientist. Indeed, this is an incredibly popular database and at the same time one of the largest. Scientific publication in Scopus is most often a guarantee of successful protection. Scopus is the leader in publishing all the world's articles, annually publishing more than a quarter of the world's scientific journals. In addition to all the popularity, this is a very useful resource, which contains current collections of magazines, conferences, and a convenient search for relevant and interesting materials. Scopus cares about its reputation, so it annually cleans predator magazines, which guarantees up-to-date and high-quality publication options. That is why, when familiarizing with all the requirements for protection, the Scopus database can be found most often. Not everyone can get a publication in Scopus. The main competitor of the Scopus scientometric database is the Web of Science (WOS). Web of Science is also a search platform and an abstract database of publications. WoS combines information in all areas of knowledge. Publishing in WoS is one of the most popular tasks in the world of science. This database is notable for its significant selectivity to the material and therefore the terms of reviewing the article may differ. Publishing an article in WoS takes the most divisive process compared to other databases. In the sources of the WoS database, the most popular are: natural, social and exact sciences. There are really few humanitarian journals in the database. Therefore, scientists of the humanities most often use publications in the aforementioned database - Scopus. The topic of publication in WoS must necessarily differ in novelty and relevance. The WOS and Scopus databases are certainly leaders, but according to the rules of modern scientometry, other databases, including domestic ones, are also suitable. For example, in Russia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.), in order to publish articles, you can consider the scientific database "RSCI" (Russian Science Citation Index). What are the advantages of publishing in the RSCI: • It is possible to publish your work in Kazakh or Russian and there is no need for academic translation into English; * Shorter terms of reviewing and publication of the article; * The cost of the publication fee is lower than that of foreign publications. However, it is necessary to clarify at the department whether the RSCI is suitable for you to defend a scientific publication. Since the requirements of different specialties may differ. If you look globally, it is possible to find many options for scientometric databases in order to publish an article, there are such as: CrossRef, OAIJ, IndexCopernicus, JSTOR, WorldCat, etc. Of course, there are many unscrupulous companies in this direction that take advantage of the author's ignorance. One such example is the web of science "emerging" index. The author, paying attention to the name of the prestigious and popular WOS database, does not delve into the material. After all, the "emerging" index of the WoS database covers journals that currently only claim to be included in this database. A very important example of why such journals are NOT counted to anyone is the lack of an impact factor in such journals. In conclusion, when choosing between one or another database for publishing your work, you need to think carefully about all the tasks that you face as a researcher. The question "Where is it better to publish an article?" is solved only from the point of view of your scientific interests and the expected results of publication. We remind you that our university provides access to the scientometric databases Web of Science and Scopus as part of a national subscription. To get access to the services, it is necessary to pass the initial personal registration from any computer connected to the university network. It can be a computer of a department or a library reading room. The section "Scientometrics" has been created on the library's website (https://library.vkgu.kz ) and provides direct links to these resources. S.Samoylova, Scientific library View the full image View the full image