14.05.2020 A student of EKSU took the 3rd place in the II stage of the Republican competition of research works of students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan The second stage of the Republican contest of research works of students of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan on the educational program "Preschool education and upbringing"was held in the S. Amanzholov EKSU. The composition of the competition Commission was approved by the order of the rector of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan state University dated April 21, 2020. 24 research projects from 12 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the competition. According to the results of the competitive selection, the following works were recommended for awards: I place-Margarita Bondar, Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov; II place - Tazagul Baymuratova, Kazakh national women's pedagogical University; II place-Altynai Karsybek, Eurasian humanitarian Institute; III place-Ulbolsyn Rysbay, Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin; III place-Karlygash Dokumbayeva, Karaganda state University named after academician E. A. Buketov; III place - Yana Barinova, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan state University. The works presented at the Republican competition of research works of students under the educational program 5B010100 - "Preschool education and upbringing" were sent to the Department of higher and postgraduate education of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for participation in the III stage of the competition. Department of organization of scientific-research work View the full image